
What’s HTML? Learn it in 4 hours

My first book, “What’s HTML” is available on Kindle and Amazon in paperback form. This book is designed to be a quick way to learn HTML and HTML5.  It should also serve as a reference for you to look back on for refreshers and information on tags that are commonly used. This is a great resource for students and professionals that need a quick reference or wish to learn the basics of HTML quickly.

As a computer science professor, I’ve taught thousands of students HTML over the past ten years.  I wrote this book to help teach others HTML in a simple easy to read format.

Paperback edition

Kindle edition

What's HTML
“What’s HTML”

Create Purpose to Motivate and Spark Creativity – My TEDx Talk

I’m super excited to share my TEDx Talk.  I gave this talk at TEDxHickory in March, 2015.  Please share with your friends and give me some feedback.

What’s HTML? – Now on Audible – Free Book

Get your FREE Copy of What’s HTML? when you signup for a 30 day trial of Audible.  Use the link below to get a copy of this fantastic HTML book by John Rouda

What's HTML Audio Book
What’s HTML Audio Book